Wednesday, July 07, 2004

I'm this sign and this is my forecast for the month.

Libra - Horoscope for July

This is a very pleasant time for you.

You have a need to escape the hustle and bustle of daily life, relax, and collect yourself.

Taking a stroll through the woods or visiting a beautiful lake, mountain retreat, or beach appeals to you now.

You also enjoy casual activities like strolling through art galleries and markets, buying some art work, or visiting friends.

You are very relaxed, not very aggressive or ambitious and perhaps downright lazy now.

If you find yourself struggling at work to maintain your concentration on tasks at hand, then you really should consider taking a few days of vacation time to do the kinds of things mentioned above.

Already had the "vacation" when the girls were up for a couple of weeks, with a few strolls through the woods and a mountain retreat (well, not retreat, but mountain!), but I'll be working overtime next couple of weeks, so maybe next month another vacation with the art galleries and stuff...

This horoscope provided by Astrology Source.

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