Sunday, May 29, 2005

A few lines today.

Church this morning was actually , er, audible (I have not been able to comprehend what a minister has said from the pulpit for years, since my hearing has started to go downhill - and I could be at the pulpit and still not understand half of what was said). The minister was a retired gentleman who was called to preach this morning since the difficulties of last week. It was an interesting sermon, a little too proselytizing for me, but hey, the guy is going to Iceland for seminars with 18 college kids, so I cut him a bit of slack....
I was, incidentally at the pulpit this morning, doing the liturgy. Kind of touch and go since there was no bulletin to go by. We followed the Rules for Service in the front of the United Methodist hymnal. Guess that goes by the Book of Discipline...... :-)

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