Monday, January 09, 2006

It's Springtime...

It isn't really Spring - it just feels like it. Currently 52°F. outside, according to my nifty little Weather Depot gadget in the tool bar. And there were blue jays carousing in this ungainly looking shrub in our backyard. Of course, as soon as I came out with the camera, they hightailed it next door to their big, gangly looking shrub and thence to the next neighbor's similar shrub... Even the little birds that came up to see what was going on took off when they spotted the camera. The backyard was, however teeming with wildlife, such as it is, before I came out...And below is what the sky looks like - thunderstorms approaching, although nothing like the one last Monday that brought on the severe panic attacks in Kara and Jenni.... Probably just rain...

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