Thursday, June 21, 2007

Raid and squirrels

I have a bit of a story to share about my back yard. I set a trap for yellow jackets that was a trial by Raid, sent to me by a survey company called Bzzz. I set it up, and two days later, noticed that it had disappeared and so had any yellow jackets, wasps and other bugs, as well as squirrels that had been in the vicinity or the trap. I wonder if the squirrels absconded with the trap, drank the poison for the yellow jackets and are now mutating. The one person that I bzzed so far was interested and suggested that I might want to double check for the trap - which I will do sometime this weekend if the squirrels don't show up again... I've also shared this with the denizens blogits of Dave Barry's Blog, who are seriously into squirrel terrorism. Verona squirrels do not engage in the type of terrorism that Dave Barry's readers usually find on the Internet. They are not in the habit of blacking out towns, destroying flags or that sort of thing. But they may be working on taking out yellow jacket traps... I'll check and make sure soon. Till then....

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