Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I hate July

The year my ex left me, July was when he told me he was leaving. I took handfuls of acetaminophen (generic Tylenol), left a note, the whole works. He was still at home then, so he saw the note, took me to the emergency room, where they gave me stuff that made me throw up for hours and checked me in to a Psych hospital. Spent 3 weeks there and got out , went to therapy and marriage counseling with him, then he left before the  next to last session with the therapist. But it was enough. I managed  to carry on. I'm just depressed now - maybe it's the weather, in addition to all that's wrong at work (I'm not supposed to be using my own e-mail from the desk anymore and everyone seems to be ignoring me, but I'm ignoring them, also.) and the dirt and clutter ( the DH's comics and stuff) at home. And summer is always over so quick...

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