Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Book "Review" - not recommended...

I bought this at the Comic Con. That said, I should tell you that I had been taken in by the beautiful front cover and didn't even look at the contents or, for that mtter, the back cover. Having read it, I cannot, under any circumstances, recommend it to anyone. It has various sections, allocated to "Adult Section - Over 18 Only" (assuming one doesn't have a mind or any sense of taste- it's the most disgustingly sick part of the book - a few bad dirty jokes), "Children's Section" (simply stupid - a "Captain Marvel" spoof comes off as a poor story and the others are just dumb, no redeeming value, although they are well drawn) and an "Old People's Section" (it is also well drawn, but the stories, such as they are, are poorly thought out stupid jokes).
Don't judge a book by its cover indeed! This one is incredibly bad and the cover has nothing to do with it...

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March 12th