Monday, March 20, 2006

Women's History Month

Picture From the Department of Defense

Well, I'm about to the end of the line on websites I have bookmarked for Women's History Month. So here's probably the last one (unless, of course, I happen across another one!). This one is from, suprisibus, suprisibus - The Department of Defense. One of the Items of Interest is a link to The DoD Visual Information Production page, where you can order the Women in the U.S. Armed Forces CD-ROM- A collection of images depicting women in the U.S. Armed Forces, one of Defense Visual Information's growing number of DoD CD-ROM Image Collections. How exciting, huh? However, when it links to that page, the visuals are entirely of military men. No real surprise there, naturally...
Anyway, at the library where I work, there are kids doing reports on famous women. The big winners in that category are Rosa Parks, Eleanor Roosevelt, and Amelia Earhart. I pressed Hillary Rodham Clinton's Biography on one little fella's dad, who was looking for Rosa Parks. I'm hoping he got sold on a living woman's history.... Oh, sports stars and celebrities were not kosher for the teacher, I believe...That was a relief...
Here's hoping that we've learned more about women in history again this year....

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