Friday, April 14, 2006

Earth Mother mode today

I went outside and planted seeds - pansies and nasturtiums - today. I also took some of my indoor forest outside and repotted them so that I wouldn't be sweeping potting soil from the floor for weeks. It has obligingly started to rain - not hard, but enough to keep my seeds moist. The temperature outside is about 63° so they should be safe, unless some nasty cold front decides to move in. My windowsill plants in the kitchen repotted nicely. I had gotten parsley, sage and rosemary last weekend (no thyme - they were on sale 3 for $4°° or something, so three was the best I could do - my DH got them and cilantro was one of my choices, but sage was one he could find) and they began to grow right out of their little pots. I put the sage outside and am hoping for the best. The parsley and rosemary I'm more likely to use, so they are still in the kitchen. I also repotted a Jade Plant that is a cutting of one my mother has had in her kitchen window for going on 29 years. I had one originally at the same time - a cutting from an old lady who was a member of a church my ex pastored when Jenni was just a baby- and it died. Mom's flourished, but she didn't have to move as much as I have in the last 29 years. I'm hoping a bigger pot will let it grow a bit more.
There it is, with a small aloe plant getting started beside it. And here is the rosemary, another tiny aloe plant starter, and the parsley (I have a plant in the basket, too, but have no idea what it is).

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January 18th