Saturday, June 03, 2006

Deliveries, deliveries...

Seems like it was just last Saturday the spousal unit was clearing things out for a delivery on Sunday... Well, by golly, it was! That was the dryer. This week, we got to clear the path from the front door to the bedrooms upstairs, because the delivery people from Rockaway Bedding ( that place with the simply awful radio commercials) will be delivering and setting up two queen sized mattresses and box springs. We moved the "Captain's Bed" - a twin size platform- from Elysha's room and cleared enough space that they can get the stuff into the DH's and my bedroom. If they don't knock over all the comic books stacked on his side of the room, I will be surprised. But if they do, I will laugh!
BTW, they are supposed to be here between 7 and 11 am... I have to get up early -and either they will be here at 7 on the nose and I will be too tired to speak, or they will come at 11 and I will be mad because I will have been up since before 7... Sigh.... I think I'll be tired either way....

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March 8th