Monday, June 05, 2006

Doom, doom, doom....

Coming tomorrow - the date of doom for those inclined to believe in numerological and "strictly Bible" stuff - 6-6-6... Among the papers with articles about those sort of believers - the Boston Herald, the San Jose Mercury News , the New York Times, and, of course, our local paper - the Star Ledger. Most of those links were Googled, BTW, but I did read the article in the local paper... It allegedly begins with the number cited in Revelation, but that's a matter for interpretation, as some scholars say it's 616, not 666. So, if it is 616, we're already by that one. I don't mind Tuesday that much. I'd rather the world would end on a Monday or Thursday, if I had my druthers, at least this week. Of course, if the world were to end on a Monday, I will never hear the end of it... Ha! Ha! Ha!

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March 6th