Monday, September 04, 2006

Labor Day

Had hoped to do something today, but the DH has my cold and is sleeping his life away. He managed to get to the grocery this morning, thank goodness. School starts for him tomorrow. He should feel better by then. So - a few more Disney pictures.This one's from the Affection Section in Animal Kingdom and it's me, a goat and the snake. The real animals had no problem with my snake. Apparently they've seen ones like him before and know he isn't a threat.
C3PO from Star Wars - at Star Tours - the ultimate Star Wars™ thrill ride .
This one's from the prelude to Space Mountain - I think. There are a lot of space rides at Disney - Space Mountain, the Space "training program", Star Tours, Spaceship Earth....
The wizard's cap is in Epcot, I think.... This one's from the Italian Restaurant in Epcot - we spent quite a while there during one of the intermittent thunderstorms.
Well, that's as many as Blogger will let me have this time.....So, later - more pictures... The finale, I hope - I imagine you do, too....

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March 12th