Saturday, September 30, 2006


Well, I'm a year older - yesterday was my birthday. Elysha had to work until 5, so I walked home from work. Woodgie and I played until Elysha got home, then we (except Woodgie) went to dinner at TGIFridays in West Orange and got our haircut at Supercuts in the same shopping center. Steven had let Woodgie out when he got home, although he was mad that we didn't wait for him to go to dinner...It's a tough life. He said Woodgie knocked the mouse off the doorframe twice - it's not held on that tight though. Elysha went to Robbie's house by herself and Woodgie slept with me. Outside of thinking that my hand was a chew toy for a while, we did ok. I got a nice card from my mom, a cool e-card from my brother Greg and Jenni and a beautiful card and a gift certificate for Massage Envy from Steven. All in all a nice birthday.
So here's this morning's kitty picture - she's so cute.....

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March 9th