Thursday, October 05, 2006

Archie McPhee - Wish List

Get the requests out early is what I always say! So Archie Mc Phee has issued a challenge again - my wish list of wonderful things that are on their site of Toys, Gifts & Novelties made by Magic Pixies! You know I'd put pictures of the items up, but you also know that Blogger is not too happy when I try - especially after those Disney World pictures... Sigh....
So, forthwith, here is what I would honest and truly like from their site (see link above, or those by the items):
Pink Lawn Flamingoes - Known also as "Yardbirds" -
Groucho - "Ducksoup"- disguise - this one never fails to make me laugh! -
The Cap'n Danger Stunt Monkey - with parachute that fits most of their action figures! I want the chute for the Librarian Action Figure (which I already proudly own) -
And from the ever popular candy lines, my favorites are (links are the items themselves this time) :
Death Mints , a set of Last Supper After-Dinner Mints, Angry Scotsman Chewing Gum, Bite the Bullet Mints and a set of a gorilla, an elephant, a horse, a green lion, a clown and good ol' Uncle Sam mini PEZ dispensers.
Last, but not least, of course - Surprise! -a motherlode of vintage McPhee items and sundry stuff too weird to be in the catalog (imagine that).
So for a small, inexpensive, but truly weird present, that I, for one, would like - the candy is awesome looking. So if I get some for any holiday upcoming (hint, hint, hint) - I'll let you know how it tastes!

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March 9th