Monday, October 09, 2006


Dang, Mondays are getting here entirely too fast....I heard from my friend from work who has had to drop work for awhile - she was diagnosed with cancer. She said she's doing pretty good with the chemo, but may have to go to a stronger dose than what she's was on. She's going to Mt. Sinai or Sloan Kettering - I can't recall which - for a second opinion and that was what her doctor here said they might suggest.
In home front news, Woodgie scratched on her scratching board today andf I lavishly praised her the way a book I have (How To Get Your Cat to do What You Want It To Do) says to do. I'm hoping sopme of the tricks I've copied out of the book will work on Woodgie, who may be too bright to go along with them and try my patience too much. The guy says to give it more than a few weeks for the training to work. Sigh....

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