Monday, June 13, 2016

June 13, 2016

       It's been a long time since I last blogged. Not many people do it anymore. We tend to stick to Facebook or Twitter, keeping posts "manageable". My granddaughter went from being a bald headed baby to being a beautiful and sullen high school graduate aa week ago, so I thought I'd put a few thoughts here.

       Here she is - note the sullen part shows up here. She had pictures taken with her friends, in which she beamed, but not as a solo act.

I have been altered some this year, too. My hair had grown out over the last couple of years - from this
to this
to this

and back to this, which suits me better

        Haircuts were about the only change for me. I'm still part-time at the Verona Library, which is in the middle of change - we've had a couple of changes of directors, and several new additions- all of which have come from the West Caldwell Library, where they seemed to work together. It's old hen week sometimes... They've also coerced the township into redoing the Children's Room and the Reference Room. I'm not overly optimistic that those changes are going to go over well at first.
      Kathleen Ligon left, Rebecca Burkhart retired, then passed away, Roseann Harrison retired, Mr. Thomas retired, and Margaret Spinelli retired. All were replaced by women who had worked at West Caldwell. I'm feeling retirement in my bones as well.  Of course Bill Trafton hasn't left and continues to make me ill from his general attitude and stupidity.
       We haven't moved, although Jimi and Elysha have - multiple times. They want to move to Kentucky - or anywhere besides New Jersey. I'm ready to move, too. I've lived here half my life as of June 22. Been married to the current spouse, bless his heart, for nearly half my life, too. The latter is not so bad, but being trapped in N.J. is. We lost his father this year and his mother is getting on in years, as is mine.
She can't hear well, even with hearing aids, so when we went down for Kara's graduation, talking to her was difficult/next to impossible. But it's great that she's still doing fairly well.
       It's been a couple years, but maybe I'll get around to writing again soon.


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