Friday, February 28, 2020

February 28th ⚰

7:48 PM
RealFeel® 25°

Mostly cloudy 

UV Index: 0 Low
Wind: NW at 11 mph
Wind Gusts: 15 mph
Humidity: 37%
Dew Point: 11°
Pressure: 29.83 inHg
Cloud Cover: 90%
Visibility: 10 mi
Ceiling: 29500 ft

Blood pressure: 135/85  Pulse: 60

The funeral was today. The rabbi did a nice job, a lot of people came. We got lost - went the wrong way off 280. The cemetery was on Dewey St. in Saddle Brook, off Market Street. We were on Market Street in Paterson. I had to call Elysha to find out where the cemetery was so that I could get the phone to tell us how to get there. Elysha got her hair cut short. That was a surprise. We're going to Susan's tomorrow to sit Shiva. I'm going to program her address in maps, so that we can find it. Thank God that February is nearly over.

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March 12th