Friday, March 06, 2020

March 6th

2:54 PM
RealFeel® 35°

Light rain

UV Index: 1 Low
Wind: NNW at 9 mph
Wind Gusts: 12 mph
Humidity: 77%
Dew Point: 36° F
Pressure: 29.82 inHg
Cloud Cover: 93%
Visibility: 8 mi
Ceiling: 3100 ft

Blood Pressure:  Omron 124/73 Pulse 65 wrist 112/72 Pulse 62

Today I feel so worthless, I'm feeling like I can't do anything right. I thought my way back to Junior High School (back when it was called that) and a boy I had a crush on, that called me his girlfriend. I don't remember much about hi. His name was Terry Hawkins and I swear I saw him once when I was back home. It didn't last very long and, thankfully, nothing came of it.Then I thought of the other boys/men in my life. That brought me to tears. Richard, Roy, Robin, Butch, John, Robert M., Charlie (god, I shouldn't remember Charlie), Stephen, Robert, Jeff, and my Steven. All of them, we were happy for a bit, some longer than others, of course... I have been waking up feeling like I'm having a heart attack- waved of nausea, pressure/pain in my chest, pain in my shoulders. But I get up and I'm fine. Such is life, for what it's worth.😣😥😕🥶

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March 9th