Monday, March 09, 2020

March 9th


5:02 PM
RealFeel® 68°
UV Index: 2 Low
Wind: WSW at 12 mph
Wind Gusts: 18 mph
Humidity: 21%
Dew Point: 28° F
Pressure: 30.25 inHg
Cloud Cover: 10%
Visibility: 10 mi
Ceiling: 40000 ft

Blood Pressure: Omron 129/81 Pulse 57  wrist 131/82  Pulse 58

Cathy sent a message to me this afternoon. Mom is in the hospital with pneumonia again.Cathy said she called to se how she was doing on Sunday and she said she was a little short of breath, so they hurried over and Mom couldn't catch her breath enough to get her shoes on. They called an ambulance and they took her to St. Mary's ER. Her blood pressure was very low and they pumped her full of fluids. Her cardiologist thinks that's why she got pneumonia - fluid got to her lungs. Cathy and John wet to the hospital and Cathy helped Mom call a little while ago - she sounds hoarse, but Cathy said she sounded better and could breathe better. Mom said she had trouble with her phone and the TV, but everything else was okay. She told me she had ordered dinner - pot roast and vegetables, decaf tea, and lemon something-or-other.  I told her "I love you." I'm hoping things go okay. 🤞🏻
I'm also scanning more pictures from the 1950s. I'm nearly to where Barbara is pregnant with Eric. The elder Pearlmans (Art's folks) are in a few of them.

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March 9th