Thursday, March 12, 2020

March 12th

12:43 PM
RealFeel® 46°

🌧Light Rain
UV Index: 1 Low
Wind: ESE at 6 mph
Wind Gusts: 8 mph
Humidity: 71%
Dew Point: 38° F
Pressure: 30.20 inHg
Cloud Cover: 100%
Visibility: 10 mi  
Ceiling: 4500 ft

Blood pressure: Omron 143/85 Pulse 57  wrist 137/87 pulse 53

Went to therapist, gave her the entire story of Jenni and the money situation. The lady says she'll help me with strategies to help Jenni without stressing me beyond my limits. I have an appointment next Tuesday at 11.
Cathy messaged me - Mom is in the rehab center. She is in room 240. Cathy said when she talked to her she sounded out of breath, but had just finished therapy. I went to their website and sent a question about flowers or books and if I can send her something from Amazon. 

March 9th