Sunday, March 15, 2020

March 15th😷


8:28 PM
RealFeel® 42°

UV Index: 0 Low
Wind: N at 8 mph
Wind Gusts: 10 mph
Humidity: 32%
Dew Point: 18° F
Pressure: 30.47 inHg
Cloud Cover: 7%
Visibility: 10 mi
Ceiling: 36300 ft

Blood pressure: Omron 148/89 Pulse 73 Wrist 125/79 Pulse 65

Jenni called this morning, said she went to Immediate care yesterday with a cough and a temperature Of course, she had to pay for it. They said they think she has the flu and gave her a prescription for it - she thinks it a Zpack and something else. They told her to get the medicine and say home for the next 3 days. Her temp at 1 o'clock was a little over 101. I sent her $150, but damn, I can't keep this up. Look at my blood pressure!
I talked to Mom, who's doing okay, considering. But she's still coughing, too. I was going to tell her things that might help her get some sleep, but forgot them.
Everybody was trying to get hold of Greg, who didn't answer the phone when anybody called. Cathy said, when I talked to her, that she was trying to get hold of him to tell him about a food service that he and Mom could get when she gets to go home. So, I finally got hold of him, told him to call everybody, and that I loved him (Lord knows, we both need to hear that a little more often).
I'm supposed to go for a colonoscopy in the morning and I've been prepping since 1 this afternoon. It's literally and figuratively been a shitty day. I'm wearing disposable underwear because I was leaking and I am afraid for the rest of the night. Nothing's solid now. So...Procedure is at 7 am tomorrow. I got to get up at 6.

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March 6th