Wednesday, April 01, 2020

April 1st😷

3:24 PM
RealFeel® 56°


UV Index: 2 Low
Wind: N at 5 mph
Wind Gusts: 11 mph
    Humidity: 43%
    Dew Point: 31° F
    Pressure: 29.77 inHg
    Cloud Cover: 76%
    Visibility: 11 mi
    Ceiling: 16500 ft

    Blood Pressure: Omron 123/71 Pulse: 52 Wrist:111/71 Pulse: 50

Well, this morning's two e-mails were interesting. I sent her $300 with the info that it was all my pension for the month: (sic)
1. I'm sorry to bother you. I was at the psychologist from 8:45 until almost 1pm. I talked to the psychologist for a couple hours, then he had me take 1 test that was 549 questions, 2 tests that were over 200 questions, 1 test that was 159 questions, and 2 tests that were around 100 questions. When I got done with all of that, I used the phone at the doctor's office to call about a ride home and it kept going to voicemail. I tried calling 5 times before the receptionist asked me to leave because they had another patient coming in and they have to keep patients separated.I walked over to the nearest restaurant to get something to eat, and try to use their phone to call the transport service. I had asked them before I left how I was gonna get home and they told me to call after the appointment was over and they would send someone to get me. I'm guessing that they didn't expect it to take as long as it did, because I figured it was only going to be about an hour. I Didn't finally get a hold of the transportation place until after 430 and they said to call back at 6 that they had to look into getting me a ride home from there and they said they didn't know I'd they'd be able to get me a ride home until in the morning and I asked them what the he'll I was supposed to do until then. So, I called them back about 4 times at 6 and they said they could pick me up at 8am... I just knew something bad was going to happen coming up here by myself with no phone, but been waiting almost 2 months to this appointment and workmans comp said I had togo.. So, now it's going to be dark soon, I have no phone and no way to contact anyone and I'm stuck in Indy two hours from home and don't know what the he'll to do.. I checked the price of a Lyft and it's $163.99. There's a hotel nearby that is $94.99+ tax per night. I have my rent money, but if I use it, I won't have money for rent. I'm supposed to go to Planned Parenthood tomorrow. I don't know what to do. I'm SCARED and ALONE. I want my mommy! Or anyone right now. This is insanity and I asked and asked the people from transportation about getting home and my situation and they promised me over and over that there wouldn't be any problems at all.. Bullshit I'm screwed. If I get a hotel, who's to say the assholes will show tomorrow.. I know I'm calling workmans comp and flipping out on them tomorrow for making me go to Indy to see their psychologist, because they don't have one on their personal payroll any closer.. I knew it I knew it I knew it! Bad shit is always happening to me! I have a storm cloud above my head all day every day! I don't know what I'm supposed to do. I'm SCARED and just want to go home and be safe in my bed!!
At least she sent a copy of her insurance card.
Hello Jennifer Barstead ,
You sent a payment of $161.55 USD on Mar 31, 2020 22:31:21 EDT to Lyft (
This email may be one of many notifications you receive as your merchant fulfills your order.

Payment Details

Date:Mar 31, 2020 22:31:21 EDT
Transaction ID:19T296367N3863335
Authorization Amount:$161.55 USD
Payment Amount:$161.55 USD

Funding Sources Used (Total)

PayPal Cash Plus balance:$8.55 USD
2. I didn't know what to do yesterday. I really had no clue where I was at. There wasn't a whole lot around me, couple of restaurants, one hotel, and a bunch of offices. I tried to get the hotel to give me a discount, because of my situation, but they wouldn't. They said it was around$110 with tax.. That's insane! I ended up ordering a Lyft to get home, because I didn't know what else to do and I was scared! The first driver wouldn't do it, but fortunately the 2nd one did. I got home around midnight. I had to spent the money you gave me for rent, because I was stuck and had no options. I'm thinking about going to hospital, because a huge lump has appeared on my arm and it had me awake all night in pain. I think it may be from a bug bite, but it's pretty huge now and really really hurts. It cost $161 to get home last night and had to spend rent, but had no choice. Knew something bad was going to happen! Rents due today and I got to pay it. Will you please help me? I called workman's comp and went off on them and they may reimburse it, maybe, but it'll take weeks they said. Probably going to go have my arm looked at shortly. Can you please help me asap mommy?? I'm sorry everything has gone to shit. Love you

So that's how things are going here. Additionally, Trump's hanging on to medical supplies that NY and NJ, and some other states need. The Pentagon has them, but hasn't been told where to send them. 

Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic

New Jersey cases
Updated Apr 1 at 3:32 PM local
United States cases
Updated Apr 1 at 3:32 PM local
Global cases
Updated Apr 1 at 3:32 PM local

March 11th