Tuesday, November 10, 2020

November 10th - Mom's funeral😭😭😭😭😭

8:36 AM
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Well, today is the funeral. I don't think I'm ready, but I'm not ready for most things in life. We have to be at the funeral home at 10. The visitation in 11 - 2. The funeral itself is at 2.
Stewart called last night to talk about the legal matters. The one problem is the mortgage or mortgages. Seems Mom took out a bunch of loans. I haven't heard back from anyone in life insurance. Will look again. I'm going to put it off until tomorrow.
Greg is going to be a mess at the funeral. Cathy has a bunch of people coming and her kids and grandkids are coming and want to speak. I warned Jim about that. Makes me mad - stage two already. It's going to be a very long day. Greg and I won't have friends or family (well, Jenni and Kara are coming), so it's going to be rough with all of John's in-laws and kids. And we have to be masked and practice social distancing. I don't know how we're going to do that if there are children. The kids all had masks. They were running all over the place. The funeral director told us to mute the phones and put them away (that was to the kids, I think). Jim did a nice meditation. Martha came with him and she didn't look anything like she used to. Jim is just grayer. Jim was very concerned about COVID risk. He came in with two masks on. He said Humana sent some thicker masks for him and Martha, which he wore when he spoke.
Ali spoke a little bit and so did Ayla. Morgan stood by her and didn't say anything. Greg had a few friends come by. Joy Thomas showed up to visit for a minute. She looks almost the same as she did last I saw her, which was 37 years ago. The flowers that Steve sent came to here at the house, so after we got home, Jenni, Kara and I took them to the cemetery and went by the funeral home to get the memorial book and stuff. There were no thank you cards in the stationery, just the memorial cards. Kara took one of them to make thank you cards from. I only need a few.

 I'm going to call Stewart tomorrow about the mortgage and probate, if we have to do that. My friends and not-so-friends are coming through for me. Guess Stewart is still feeling a bit of guilt. 😏 A lot of tears- and $100 later- Kara and Jenni left. It looks like a thunderstorm is moving in. Oh, and Kara is not with Tristan anymore and she is not moving to Texas after all. It's almost 6 o'clock. Seems like it's later. 
Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic

Jefferson County cases
Updated Nov 10 at 8:33 AM local
Kentucky cases
Updated Nov 10 at 8:33 AM local
United States cases
Updated Nov 10 at 8:33 AM local
Global cases
Updated Nov 10 at 8:33 AM local


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