Saturday, November 07, 2020

November 7th 😭

8:05 AM
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No blood pressure for a while.
At Greg's house (I don't think I should call it Mom's house anymore, I guess). We cried a lot yesterday when I got here. But I said that, didn't I? We're supposed to go to the funeral home this afternoon to see about a funeral, if they're allowed. It's limited to 3 people, so it'll be John, Greg, and me. I don't know if it's going to go well. Greg seems to feel the same way about John as he did about Dad. Greg cried a lot yesterday and today. It's so hard to believe that Mom is gone. I slept in her bed - on "Dad's side". I slept pretty well but I think that's because I hadn't slept since 3:30 am. I can't stay up like I used to. Greg didn't sleep at all, I think. He's working on some art this morning when I got up. I hope that helps settle him a bit.
There are 7 stages of grief. First is shock and denial - I see that in Greg. He - and I - can't believe Mom is gone. We're also dealing with stage 2 - Pain and guilt. Neither of us was there when Mom actually died. Greg didn't go to the hospital at the end. Kind of like Steve and his mother. And I didn't get here in time. I wish I had gotten my act together and gotten the earlier flight. Number 3 is anger and bargaining. I'm afraid that will come with John and Greg. Then number 4 is plain old, if it can ever be called that, depression, when you finally realize the true magnitude of your loss. 5 is an upward turn - "this is the part of the grieving process that you’ll start to see the light a bit at the end of the tunnel. It’s a middle ground of all the grief symptoms that you’ll go through but it’s one that you can build upon." 6 is reconstruction and working through where "you become more functional, your mind starts working again, and you will find yourself seeking realistic solutions to problems posed by life without your loved one. You will start to work on practical and financial problems and reconstructing yourself and your life without him or her." Number 7 is acceptance and hope "During this, the last of the seven stages in this grief model, you learn to accept and deal with the reality of your situation. Acceptance does not necessarily mean instant happiness." It says you'll finally get back to working on your life, with sadness, but the ability to work with your life. I don't know how this is going to work with all of us. 
Mom's funeral is set for Tuesday at 2pm. Jim Stahr, bless him, is going to do the service. We were at the funeral home getting all the details set up for the funeral and how much everything costs. I've been worrying about having a car when my rental runs out. So I asked Steve if I could buy Jenni a car. He said okay, if she can manage the insurance and gas and stuff. I told her that and she isn't jumping for joy. She's paying partly on the truck she shares with somebody. I don't know what to do. I'm going to try not to worry about stuff until the funeral is over. 

Om a somewhat brighter note, Biden is getting closer to winning the election. People have called it, but Trump is filing lawsuits right and left to prevent votes from being counted, mostly ones that will probably go to Biden. He's whining a lot, so much that news channels cut him off in mid-rant.

Today's update is from here. Checking, I see that confirmed cases at home are half what they are here.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic

Jefferson County cases
Updated Nov 7 at 8:11 AM local
Kentucky cases
Updated Nov 7 at 8:11 AM local
United States cases
Updated Nov 7 at 8:11 AM local
Global cases
Updated Nov 7 at 8:11 AM local

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March 3rd