Saturday, June 10, 2023

June 10th

Current Weather
11:52 AM

Mostly Partly cloudy
RealFeel® Sun 81°
RealFeel Shade™ 69°

Other sites say partly cloudy, or the stupid mostly sunny. 
Jenni messaged me this:
If you want a second opinion on the kitchen, give this guy a call. He's apparently very good and he might be able to fix up your kitchen for cheaper.
Pat Hayes recommended them to me because I asked him.
He posted that he's starting a home improvement and I asked him if he could do it, that's when he recommended this guy because he's done work with him and had him do work on his house.
Pat even said if y'all were to have this guy work on your kitchen that he would come over and help.
As well as make sure everything is being done good.

I don't know - my Spidey-sense says "No", but the site says the guy (not Pat, who is apparently trying to get started on home improvement) has 20 years' experience and is close. I forwarded the above to Steve's e-mail, so he could look at it.

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March 9th