Wednesday, June 28, 2023

June 28th Jury Duty 👨🏼‍⚖️excused

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6:18 AM

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I'm not sure if it's foggy. I'm up early because I have a Zoom meeting for jury duty. I'm not as scared as I would be if I had to drive into Newark, but... I'm not sure how to keep Woodgie out of it.
Woodgie did all right at the vet. She got some medicine she has to get morning and night. It's a liquid to be taken orally.     
I was excused from jury duty. They don't want the dirty details of why you said you wouldn't be an impartial jury member. Most people just said their answer was #2 - “extreme personal hardship”. I answered #1 - Must not have any physical or mental disability which would prevent the person from properly serving as a juror.
Done at 1 o'clock. Weather has changed significantly. 
Current Weather
1:19 PM
Partly sunny cloudy
RealFeel® 92°
RealFeel Shade™ 80°

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