Weather Underground says
86 °F
LIKE 95° and Mostly Cloudy.
What's up, Accuweather? Why do you say it feels like 107° and cloudy when Weather Underground says it feels like 95° and mostly cloudy? Both keep changing. Now, 5 minutes later Accuweather says mostly cloudy and it feels like101°.
Weather Underground says it feels like 93°, but it's 85°.
Accuweather also says: Drenching downpours to slice through hot, humid air in Northeast. Thunderstorms in the forecast in both sites. Weird weather - kept hoping around - sunshine, then thunderstorms, then sunshine again. Now, at 8:17 PM it's cloudy and 79°, according to Accuweather.
Pool passes for the day - only Monday through Friday- are $45 a day!!!! Damn. I remember when they were like $8 and you had to be a guest of a member. A badge for beach access is less than that - I think... A seasonal badge in Deal, a hoity toity town - costs that much. What a fucking rip-off.
Not much happened today. Steve made tortellini for dinner. Always good, especially when someone else makes it.
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