Monday, May 17, 2004

Somebody today said that people complained about his blog being about nonsense things, as opposed to war, torture, and all the stuff you read about in the paper. He went on a bit and then said that what he wrote about, in essence, was real life - his. Likewise, my blog is pretty dull compared to a lot of others, because it's my life, which happens to be set in the suburbs of New Jersey with a husband who's a high school math teacher and a 17 year old daughter who believes she's an artist. And me, someone who tries desperately to avoid things that are depressing, because, God knows, I have depressing enough a life without taking on someone else's problems. What could I do about things that are wrong in the world? I'm afraid to leave the house except when accompanied by someone. Panic in crowds, unless medicated or caffeinated beyond words (by the way, that's probably how I'll make it through Wizard Con this weekend). So, sorry, people, I cannot help you with my presence or my money, but you have my thoughts and prayers for what they are worth....

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March 9th