Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Well it is a rainy, Spring day out, being 54° as opposed to the 84° Summer days we've had lately. Which is, I guess, a good thing, because I set out a couple of plants and planted some seeds a few days ago which need the water.

I've about recovered from the weekend, although I'm still tired. But that may be because I had to get up earlier in case the air conditioner repairman came.You know how it is- the day the air conditioner is to be fixed it's 54°, heat needs to fixed, it's like 80°. Anyway, they said between 8 and 12 and I knew that if I wasn't up before 8, that's when they'd be here. Unfortunately, he showed up at 10 and finshed around 11:15, so it's really too late to take a nap. Then I would never get to sleep tonight. Vicious circle...

Today is "Comic Book Day" here and in comic shops all over the place. Hope something new and interesting comes out today. :-)

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March 8th