Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Haven't blogged for a bit, so today, I'll write for a bit. :-)

Yesterday was Memorial Day. We don't do anything. We're an atypical family- no picnics, no parades, no "down the shore". My DH is rather paranoid about insects and sunburn and anything else he can think of if it isn't his idea to be out doors. :-\ So yesterday, we caught up on Smallville, which he also doesn't care for, but puts up with because after all it is Clark Kent, one of our heroes...

We live in one of those suburbs where everybody is a perfect family, at least as far as the eye can see. They cook out, go for walks, take the kids to the playground, dress like Vogue, have SUVs, and mow their lawns in nice straight neat little rows. And regarding that, we had lightning bugs in our yard last week en masse. Ours was the only lawn on the street that had sort of long grass and the bugs were everywhere - but just on our lawn! It looked magical! A guy down the street said to me that it was just amazing - our lawn seemed to glow. No pesticides, no fertilizers and it isn't overmowed. I wish I'd had a camera....

That was the excitement for last month. This month, I have three anniversaries, three birthdays and two graduations. I think I mentioned that when I was the American Greetings suburban print shop....

I'm getting braced for the summer. I'm one of those overweight people that the government is now obsessing over...But I like my Oreos! :-)

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March 9th