Friday, June 04, 2004

I didn't have the energy to blog this yesterday, so today, here it is! I gave blood yesterday at a blood drive by The Blood Center of New Jersey at Verona High School. Now that in itself was interesting, but when I give blood, something weird always happens - at least with the NJ Blood Center....

I went in at noon and there were at least 10 people waiting! Most of them kids, but one older gentleman, who appeared to be on his lunch hour. So I sat and waited and felt like I was 18 again and was a general blabbermouth with a couple of kids I actually knew. My daughter is probably appropriately embarrassed to death today. I'm sure somebody said to her that they met her mother and she's pretty weird....

Anyway, I got picked around 1, but had to go to the bathroom, so gave up my spot and got back in line. About 15 minutes later, I was on the donor table. The nice lady tried to find my vein in my left arm (I'm right handed). She tried with the needle - no luck. So she pressure bandaged me and went trolling on the other arm. Couldn't find one so she called the guy who did my paperwork and blood test over. A midget named Ivan... He found the vein and told her to press a little harder. So she found it and my donation went well. After the traditional holding up of the arm with pressure on the puncture site, I sat up and she pressure bandaged that arm. So I sat there, waiting to see if my equilibrium was okay, when suddenly, I feel something creeping down my arm. I look and I am bleeding - profusely, down my arm, onto the table and the floor! So they grab gauze, apply pressure, mop me and the surrounding area up with paper towels and alcohol soaked towels.

The kid on the table next to mine just about freaks out - he had been nervous to begin with. I reassured him that it didn't usually go that way.

So, after getting cleaned up, I get my cookies, juice and award shirt - "HELP FIGHT BLOOD SHORTAGES GIVE BLOOD", with three hearts dressed up - two of them in jeans and one dressed like the Godfather....It's so ugly it's cute. Some of the girls at the high school had cut off the sleeves and made them into tank tops. I talked with kids some more and tried to kill enough time so that I could just pull around front and wait for my daughter to get out of school so I can take her home. After an embarrassingly long time, I leave and get into the hallway. Then the really embarrassing part - I can't remember how to get out of the school. I ask directions and manage to find my car again....

Just another one of those days, y'know? :-)

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March 9th