Sunday, March 29, 2020

March 29th😷

7:37 PM
RealFeel® 41°


UV Index: 0 Low
Wind: ENE at 10 mph
Wind Gusts: 18 mph
Humidity: 88%
Dew Point: 44° F
Pressure: 29.88 inHg
Cloud Cover: 100%
Visibility: 3 mi
Ceiling: 400 ft

Blood Pressure:  Omron: 165/74 Pulse 60 Wrist: 135/84 Pulse: 58

Here's one of today's little exchanges with Jenni. I hate that it's so one-sided. It's going to be another long and emotionally draining week, I think.
(sic - proofreading isn't what it used to be)
You can't just wait 3 or 4 days and then hit me up for money again. I don't get paid. What money I get from my little pension and social security it to help pay off the loan on the house and my share on groceries and medicines- I take 4 drugs and two vitamin supplements. The vitamins cost like $25 for a couple of months. There's other bills my money helps pay. I can't keep giving it to you. I've sent you enough to cover your bus pass and enough for some groceries. Don't buy cigarettes or alcohol. Buy food you can keep. Go to food pantries. I know they are there, and I know they are on hard times. As Yoda says, "Do or do not, there is no try.".
Have a god week. Talk to you later - thru e-mail.

I am going to all good pantries and they're giving very little food currently, because I guess so many people are currently going. They have me no bread or milk, actually have me very little. I dropped my phone in the toilet Friday and I'm not asking I to help me but a new one. I'm asking for bare essentials. I need some food badly! That's why I'm asking for 35 dollars! Not for Damn drugs or alcohol! If you can do it, is greatly appreciate it, if not I guess I'll eat when I can go to another pantry. Sorry I have to ask for anything! Can't even talk to my mom anymore, because she blocked me. Don't have a phone now anyway, just the kindle. Everyone hates me. Sorry I'm pathetic and can't get by on my own! Really hard when government shuts down my job like most others and have 0 income. I'm trying everywhere for help and can't get none. Open to any leads, because I've checked with every place here multiple times! Sorry! Love you!


Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic

New Jersey cases
Updated Mar 29 at 7:52 PM local
United States cases
Updated Mar 29 at 7:52 PM local
Global cases
Updated Mar 29 at 7:52 PM local

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March 10th - taxes at H&R Block📁