Monday, March 30, 2020

March 30th😷

4:20 PM
RealFeel® 52°


UV Index: 1 Low
Wind: S at 5 mph
Wind Gusts: 6 mph
Humidity: 75%
Dew Point: 45° F
Pressure: 29.90 inHg
Cloud Cover: 99%
Visibility: 9 mi

Ceiling: 3300 ft

Blood Pressure: Omron 113/70 Pulse 50 Wrist: 116/76 Pulse 51

There is a teddy bear scavenger hunt here and in surrounding towns. Hal is helping out - it's his first time outside in a long time. He's wearing a surgical mask (used - from Steve's mom's time in hospital) and gloves - also from Steve's mom's time in hospital. Bev Wight's bear is in the window, waving until the COVID is gone.

Nothing from Jenni today. Here's her parting shot from yesterday: 
Mom I do call you just to talk to you! I did when I could! Even then you didn't want to be on the phone long! I'm not trying to take advantage of you or anyone else. Just been needing help, because of everything. First I smashed my hand over 3 months ago and still don't have feeling in my thumb, pointer and middle fingers, and I'm still supposed to be on light duty, now the government shuts down my job and most others and I have $0 in income. I've tried multiple times to get help everywhere I know of and still look for any place else I can maybe get help, but it's slim to none. I know I've asked for a lot of help and you can only do so much and I'm sorry! I'm trying to ration and do without. I haven't called Rick, because he's a lying asshole and will only bad mouth me and talk down to me. I used to call him and stop by his shop, but he only had bad things to say and assumed the worst. He doesn't know me at all and I left Ed, because was tired of the abuse. I love you and wish I could just call my mom sometimes! I feel stupid for dropping my phone in the toilet, so currently I only have the kindle and it isn't letting me call out or answer on the texting app. I can use messenger I think for calls. I will email you tomorrow to let you know how my appointments went. I love you mommy and I am sorry that I am asking you for so much.
I'm trying to be positive with her, because things are so rough, but it's draining. I can't do as much as she wants.
Just when I think it can't get any worse, she calls and I answer. She tells me that she found out she's pregnant and has to do something about it, because she has an IUD and it won't work out. I sent her money for rent. she's going to Indianapolis for  a psychiatric evaluation. I don't know what to do. BTW, she says the "father" is in jail. I can't deal with this. I just can't.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic

New Jersey cases
Updated Mar 30 at 4:28 PM local
United States cases
Updated Mar 30 at 4:28 PM local
Global cases
Updated Mar 30 at 4:28 PM local

March 11th