Tuesday, November 03, 2020

November 3rd - official Election Day 🗳🤞

4:34 PM
RealFeel® 51°
RealFeel Shade™ 51°


Blood Pressure: 121/76  Pulse: 54

Got a text from Cathy: I want to let you know that your mom is on the hospital. She was having stomach pain this morning. We are not allowed in the emergency room but I just talked to someone on the phone who said she is being admitted, said something about waiting on tests and that she's doing ok. There are several people waiting on rooms so it might be awhile. Once she is in a room she can have one visitor between 10 and 7 so I will probably go up in the morning and find out more. In the meantime I will keep calling and once she is in a room try to call her. When we get a room number I will let you know and if we hear anything we will let you know. Her hearing aid is broken again.  I took it last week to see if it can be repaired. Home health was supposed to come today too so I called them to cancel. I just don't know what it could be but I wonder if it could be her gallbladder. She had trouble with the tubes coming out of her gallbladder being clogged up a couple years ago and had a couple of procedures for it. They said a nurse wasn't available to talk so I thought I'd just keep calling every few hours until she gets a room. Once she's there then we can call the room or the nurses desk to try to find out more.     
I texted her back a couple of times in the middle of that, but it isn't worth putting in, just that I'm afraid to come home because of having to go through airports, and thanking her so much for updating me. I was going to call Mom today. Sigh. Jenni's tried to call a couple of times, too. I can't deal with it all. Fuck it all. She finally got me to call back - she needed $350 for rent and her doctor. She said she got her pay card worked out so she shouldn't have to bother me for money again. Then she tells me she voted - for the Libertarian candidate.  As if asking for money weren't bad enough. Even Penn Jillette who's a Libertarian is backing Biden. But Jenni has to vote her conscience. Like that's going to help the country.
Of course today is Election Day, not that we'll know anything tonight.  
I have blood tests to go to on Montclair tomorrow afternoon, to check and see if my meds are ruining my liver and/or my blood sugar.

And today's update:  
Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic

Essex County cases
Updated Nov 3 at 4:28 PM local
New Jersey cases
Updated Nov 3 at 4:28 PM local
United States cases
Updated Nov 3 at 4:28 PM local
Global cases
Updated Nov 3 at 4:28 PM local

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